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Jade Rolling: an Ancient Beauty Ritual

What is Jade rolling?

Jade rolling is an ancient Chinese beauty ritual, that uses a cool-to-the-touch beauty tool, made of jade or other stones, for face massage.

source @pinterest

The rolling motion of the cold gem on the face restricts blood flow to a particular area, and pushes the fluid trapped in the skin cells (known as lymph) toward the lymph nodes, which process it and filter out toxins.


• improving circulation

• lymphatic drainage 

Adding this simple ritual to your beauty routine will take you only a few minutes every day, but you will immediately see results! Your face will look more glowing and sculpted: jade rolling will decrease puffiness, it will reduce redness and dark circles and it will rejuvenate your tired-looking skin.

STEPS: How to use

1. Wash your face and apply a facial oil or cream to moisturize your skin.

2. Roll it out! Roll your neck first to clear the lymph passageways, then use the large end of the roller on your face, and the small end on nose sides, eyelids, brows and under eyes.

source @pinterest

Gua Sha or Jade Roller? A best practice would be to use both, using the jade roller first for the lymphatic drainage benefits, and then using the gua sha for deeper muscle release and face sculpt.

Have you tried adding jade rolling to your skincare routine? What's your experience?

I personally love to use the jade roller first for a few minutes and then to massage my face with gua sha! I'm amazed by the results! :)




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