7 signs it's time for a glow-up challenge
Have you been feeling down about your appearance lately? Do you find yourself constantly comparing your current self to old photos and feeling disappointed? Are you uncomfortable taking pictures of yourself or being around beautiful people? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time for a glow-up challenge!

Here are seven signs that indicate it might be time for a change:
You keep looking at your old photos thinking how good you looked x months ago compared to how bad you feel now about your appearance.
Self-care and motivational videos bother you rather than inspire you.
You cancel dates because preparing and going out is too much stress.
Being around beautiful girls makes you feel uncomfortable.
You feel uncomfortable taking pictures of yourself.
No matter which hairstyle, makeup look or clothes you are wearing, you never like what you see in the mirror.
You keep noticing more and more flaws, even small details about your appearance that others can hardly notice, and even things that you used to like about yourself, now you don't anymore.
If any of these signs resonated with you, don't worry - you're not alone. It's natural to feel down about yourself sometimes, but it's important to remember that you're brave and beautiful, and you deserve to feel confident and good in your own skin.

Taking on a glow-up challenge can be a great way to start feeling better about yourself. It only takes a few little actions every day, and you can start to see and feel great results in your body and your mind in literally days. So why not take a look at our glow-up challenges and choose the one you feel you can benefit from?
Just remember: you are not alone in this journey. We are in this together, and with a little effort and self-love, I promise that you can start loving and feeling like yourself again.
That Girl