5 Signs You Have Bad Friends
Having standards for who you let in your life is so important.
Here are signs you have a bad or fake friend, according to Hannah Chan, and why you should cut them off immediately.
If you wanna level up is really important to be selective of who you let in your life.
This doesn't make you a bad person, it just means you have good boundaries.
1. How they react to your success
The first test is seeing how they react when something good happens to you or when you win in life
Good friends will celebrate your wins, like when you get in a relationship or when you get a promotion.
Fake friends will get jealous and give you a backhanded compliment.
2. Never pay back on time
If your friend never pays you back on time or you have to chase them multiple times for payment, this is a sign they're flaky; they're inconsidered and this is not the kind of person you want to be around.
3. They don't have integrity don't do what they say
When your friend doesn't have integrity and they say they'll do something but you can't really trust them to do it.
For instance, they're always late or they cancel on you last minute. Or they promise they'll do something and then be like "Omg I totally forgot!". You should not be friends with someone like them.
4. They make you look bad in front of other people
Friendship rule wants to always defend your friends in public and call them out in private if they do something wrong.
When your friend make you feel bad or try to embarrasse you in front of a group of friends, and they change they behavior in a group setting or online when people can see, they care more about their reputation that you feelings.
5. They always complain or talk bad about others
This is a dangerous one because misery loves company. So if your friend is always negative, it's easy for you to be negative too.
Obviously, if you were trying to level up you don't want that kind of energy in your life
Their energy is negative and they always complain about things

Hannah Chan is an ex GB Powerlifter from Hong Kong. She scaled two business to 6 and 7 figures and now her aim is to show women how to get money (and man!) they deserve, through her courses, weekly newsletter and formula templates and offering 1:1 Mentorship/Coaching. She also shares are tips on her Instagram and TikTok.