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3 tips to start training

These days a lot of people decide to start training at home. Training at home is easier, comfortable and you need no-equipment to start because you can start using your own body weight (and a yoga mat preferably).

Of course you can add some equipment later, such as kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance bands etc.

Here are our 3 tips to start:

1. The first step is to find a fitness program that inspires you and that you think it's best for your needs.

Are you trying to loose weight? To shape your body? Do you want to put on some muscle mass?

Start by finding the one program for you and stick to it. Of course you won't be following that one and only program forever, but at first you need to get familiar with the exercises and you need consistency in order to achieve your fitness goals.

2. The second tip we want to give you, especially if you are new to fitness, is: be determined and push yourself hard BUT always listen to your body. If you need a rest day, take it; if you feel like you can push yourself more, do it; if the program is too boring for you, find something that you enjoy more & makes you sweat AND have fun! The final goal is to become able to train intuitively, but we'll talk about it in another post, because it's not something easy for beginners!

3. Third and last tip: never ever underestimate the importance of healthy eating and an healthy lifestyle in your fitness journey. Eating healthy does't mean you have to starve yourself or to eat only vegetables and fruit.

You won't have to say goodbye to pasta, carbs or sweets either. But you need to understand that we are made of... what we eat(!) and in order to stay healthy we have to get all the vitamins, minerals and fibers we need as well as carbs, proteins and fats.

We hope these tips will help you to get started,

xx that grl




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